hold on – we are drawing your map!
Country City Location Name Website
Italy Agliana Bozzato Hub Cesano Coworking http://www.bozzatocoworking.it
Italy Agliana COoffice Agliana https://www.coofficeagliana.it/
Slovenia Ajdovščina Garaža https://garazawajdusna.si/
Italy Alessandria Coworking Alessandria Piazza Garibaldi http://www.coworking-alessandria.it
Spain Alicante Simple Social Hub https://simplesocialhub.com/
Spain Alicante ULab https://ulab.es/
Spain Almeria Wood Work Coworking https://www.woodworkcoworking.com/
Spain Almeria WorkSpace (Coworking Almeria) https://workspace.es/
Germany Altenburg Skatstadt:Hub – Coworking in Altenburg https://altenburg-coworking.de
The Netherlands Amsterdam Loads https://www.loads.work/
The Netherlands Amsterdam Social Impact Factory https://www.socialimpactfactory.com/
The Netherlands Amsterdam The Social Hub https://www.thesocialhub.co/amsterdam-city/co-working-space/
Spain Anceu, Ponte Caldelas Anceu Coliving https://anceu.com/
Italy Ancona Coworking Ancona http://www.coworkingancona.it
Italy Ancona H3 Coworking http://www.h3coworking.it
France Annecy L’ECREVIS https://ecrevis.eco/site/
Ireland Ardee Ardee Business Park & Training Centre https://ardeebusinesspark.ie/
Ireland Ardee Dee Hub https://www.deehub.ie/
Sweden Åre House Be https://www.housebe.com/har-finns-vi/are/
Spain Arona (Tenerife) Cactus https://www.cactuscoliving.com/
Italy Ascoli Piceno Bottega del Terzo Settore http://www.bottegaterzosettore.it
Italy Ascoli Piceno SmartAp https://smart-ap.it/
Italy Asti CoWorking Asti http://coworkingasti.com
Greece Athens ANKAA Project http://www.ankaaproject.org/
Greece Athens Impact Hub Athens http://athens.impacthub.net/
Greece Athens LUDD https://ludd.gr/
Greece Athens Romantso http://www.romantso.gr/
Greece Athens Stone Soup https://www.stonesoup.io/
Greece Athens The Switch – Place Identity https://placeidentity.gr/en/what-we-do/
Greece Athens TransfoLAB ATH/ Colab House https://www.transfolabath.com/the-center
Italy Avellino Incubatore SEI https://www.incubatoresei.it/
Italy Avellino SEI Ventures – Avellino http://www.incubatoresei.it
Italy Azzano San Paolo Area_591 Coworking http://www.area591coworking.it
Germany Bad Freienwalde Coworking Oderbruch – Altes Finanzamt Bad Freienwalde https://www.coworking-oderbruch.de/
Germany Bad Tölz CoWorking Bad Tölz VISION HOCH DREI https://coworking-badtoelz.de/
Italy Bagnolo Piemonte Elabora Coworking http://www.elaboracoworking.it
Ireland Ballaghaderreen Ardagh Remote Working Hub https://connectedhubs.ie/hubs/profile/225
Spain Barcelona Eclektic Space I Coworking Poblenou https://www.instagram.com/eclekticspace/
Spain Barcelona La Vaca Coworking https://www.lavacacoworking.com/
Spain Barcelona Loft 153 https://loft153.com/en/home/
Spain Barcelona SOWO https://www.sowo.es/
Italy Bari BARIHUB http://www.barihub.com
Italy Bassano del Grappa FARO digit lab+cowork https://farocoworking.it/
Germany Beckum Work LnB https://work-lnb.de/
Ireland Bere Island, Cork Bere Island Heritage Centre, Old School https://www.bereisland.net/
Germany Berlin bUm – Place for Solidarity https://bum.berlin/
Germany Berlin cocreation.loft https://www.cocreationloft.com/
Germany Berlin CU Office https://cu-office.berlin/
Germany Berlin Impact Hub Berlin https://berlin.impacthub.net
Germany Berlin juggleHUB Coworking https://jugglehub.de/
Germany Berlin tuesday coworking Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf https://www.tuesdaycoworking.com/
Germany Berlin tuesday coworking Neukölln https://www.tuesdaycoworking.com/
Germany Berlin tuesday coworking Schöneberg https://www.tuesdaycoworking.com/
Italy Binasco BinasCoWorking http://www.binascoworking.it
United Kingdom Blackburn The Making Rooms https://www.makingrooms.org/
Italy Bollate New Work https://www.newworksrl.com/
Italy Bologna Coworking Bologna https://www.coworking.bologna.it
Italy Bologna Crea System https://www.creasystem.it/
Italy Bologna GoInOffice & Alecs Bianchi http://goinoffice.it
Italy Bologna Granata Coworking https://www.granatacoworking.it/
Italy Bologna Hex Coworking https://www.instagram.com/circolo.hex
Italy Bologna Luogocomune Coworking https://www.luogo-comune.com/
Italy Bologna Nuntiabo Coworking http://nuntiabo.vicem.it/
Italy Bologna Oscard Business Center Bologna https://www.businesscenter.bologna.it/
Italy Bolzano Coworking Bolzano http://coworkingbolzano.com
France Bordeaux La Cordée – Chartrons https://www.la-cordee.net/
France Bray-sur-Seine Le lab fraternel https://france-fraternites.org/bray-sur-seine/
Italy Brescia Ciceroom https://www.ciceroom.it/
France Briançon Les Terrasses Solidaires https://lesterrassessolidaires.org/
Italy Brindisi Molo12 Brindisi Coworking Space https://molo12brindisi.com
Germany Bücken Neuland Coworking https://tokunfthus.de/
Hungary Budapest Impact Hub Budapest https://budapest.impacthub.net/
Germany Butzbach dasgute.haus https://dasgute.haus/
Italy Cagliari Open Campus http://www.opencampus.it
Italy Cagliari Supermatrice Coworking https://supermatrice.wixsite.com/supermatrice
Italy Campobasso Inflazione Caotica http://inflazionecaotica.it
Ireland Carlingford Carlingford Remote Working Hub https://carlingfordheritagecentre.com/remote-hub/
Italy Castelbuono South Working Castelbuono https://southworking-socialgreenhub-org.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=it&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc
Italy Castelbuono South Working Castelbuono https://southworking.socialgreenhub.org/
Italy Catania Coworking Catania http://www.coworkingcatania.eu
Italy Catania Feiana Business Center http://www.feiana.it
Germany Celle #netzwerk CelleCreativ Coworking Space https://netzwerkcelle.de/
Italy Cesena ABC Temporary Office http://abctemporaryoffice.it
Latvia Cesis Skola 6 https://www.skola6.lv/
Germany Chemnitz Zammwerk https://www.zammwerk.de/
Italy Civitanova Marche Go Working http://www.go-working.it
Ireland Clare DigiClare – The Sixmilebridge Hub https://www.digiclare.ie/about.html
Italy Concorezzo WeCare – Coworking Sanitario https://studiwecare.it/
Ireland Connemara Connemara West Remote Working Hub https://connemarawest.ie/product/remote-working-hub/
Ireland Cork CECAS Work Space https://cecas.ie/information-hub/
Ireland Cork Culture Co-working https://culturecoworking.ie/
Ireland Cork I.R.D. Duhallow https://www.irdduhallow.com/
Ireland Cork Laharn Heritage Centre https://laharn.ie/
Ireland Cork Ludgate Hub https://www.ludgate.ie/
Ireland Cork Mix Coworking https://www.mixcoworking.ie/about-us
Ireland Cork National Software Centre https://www.nsc-campus.com/
Ireland Cork Republic of Work https://www.republicofwork.com/
Ireland Cork The HUB @ The Old Mill https://www.avondhublackwater.com/
Italy Correggio Areaw https://www.areaw.it
Italy Crotone Officina Kreativa https://coworking.officinakreativa.it/
Spain Culla, Castelló Ruralco Coliving https://ruralco.live/en/
Italy Desio Restart Coworking https://www.restart-coworking.it/
Germany Dießen Ammersee Denkerha https://ammersee-denkerhaus.de
Ireland Dingle Dingle Hub https://dinglehub.com/
Ireland Donegal ii – inishowen innovation https://theii.com/
Ireland Donegal Termon Complex https://termoncomplex.com/
Ireland Donegal The BASE Enterprise Centre, Railway Road https://thebaseenterprise.ie/our-community/
Ireland Drogheda The Mill Entreprise Hub https://themilldrogheda.ie/
Ireland Drumshanbo The Food Hub http://thefoodhub.com/
Ireland Dublin BEaT Connected Hub https://beat.ie/about/our-history-and-future/
Ireland Dublin CoCreate South https://cocreate.ie/
Ireland Dublin DogPatch Labs https://dogpatchlabs.com/
Ireland Dublin Guinness Enterprise Centre https://www.gec.ie/
Ireland Dublin SMARTlab @ The Inclusive Design Research Centre of Ireland at UCD https://www.smartlab.academy/
Ireland Dublin The Edge Dublin https://www.theedgedublin.com/
Ireland Dublin The Tara Building https://thetarabuilding.com/
Ireland Dublin Tyrrelstown Community Centre https://tyrrelstowncc.ie/
Ireland Dublin Work Hub https://workhub.ie/contact
Ireland Dundalk Creative Spark https://creativespark.ie/
Ireland Dundalk Creative Spark https://www.creativespark.ie/
Ireland Dundalk Diamond Networking Hub https://connectedhubs.ie/hubs/profile/4584
Ireland Dundalk Regional Development Centre DkIT https://www.dkit.ie/
Ireland Dunshaughlin, Meath Meath Enterprise – Dunshaughlin Hub https://www.meathenterprise.ie/hubs/
Spain El Cotillo (Fuerteventura) Cocoworking https://cocoworking.es/
Spain El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona) Uikú Coworking https://www.uiku.es/
Austria Engerwitzdorf (Linz) 2kanter CO | WORKING | HOF https://2kanter.at/
Germany Erfurt KrämerLoft https://kraemerloft-coworking.de/
Germany Essen 3D Druckzentrum Ruhr https://www.fablabs.io/labs/3ddruckzentrumruhressen
Sweden Fengersfors Not Quite https://www.notquite.se/en/
Italy Ferrara DOMINO SPACE http://www.dominospace.it
Italy Firenze 91C Coworking Space https://91c.it/
Italy Firenze Ex32 Coworking https://www.ex32.it/?public&
Italy Firenze Exfilab Coworking Space https://www.exfilab.it/firenze/
Italy Firenze Leggiero Coworking http://www.leggierocoworking.com
Italy Firenze Multiverso https://multiverso.net/
Italy Firenze Nana Bianca Space https://nanabianca.it/space
Italy Firenze Okubo Station https://okubostation.it/
Italy Firenze Smart Hub http://www.smart-hub.it/
Italy Firenze TR3ND http://www.tr3nd.it
Italy Firenze TSH Collab https://www.feelflorence.it/it/node/12598
Italy Foggia Spazio Daruma http://www.spaziodaruma.it
Italy Foggia SpazioMeeting.it https://spaziomeeting.it/
Germany Frankfurt am Main Villa Gründergeist https://villa-gruendergeist.de/
Germany Freiburg im Breisgau Grünhof Coworking – Augustinerplatz https://gruenhof.org/
Germany Freiburg im Breisgau Grünhof Coworking – Belfortstrasse https://gruenhof.org/
Germany Freiburg im Breisgau Grünhof Coworking – Kreativpark Lokhalle https://gruenhof.org/
Italy Gallarate B_Smart Center http://www.b-smartcenter.it/
Ireland Galway PorterShed a Dó https://portershed.com/
Ireland Galway Pulse Hub / Ballinasloe Enterprise Hub https://bacd.ie/projects/enterprise-projects/ballinasloe-enterprise-hub/
Ireland Galway Thurles Chamber Enterprise Centre (TCEC) https://tcec.ie/
Ireland Galway Westside Resource Centre https://www.westsideresourcecentre.ie/
Italy Gardolo di Mezzo TST2work – Trentino Social Tank https://www.trentinosocialtank.it/coworking/
Italy Gavirate Varese Lake Coworking http://www.luxurylake.net/
Sweden Gävle DOSPACE Gävle https://www.dospace.se/gavle-stortorget
Sweden Gävle DOSPACE Gävle Norra Kungsgatan https://www.dospace.se/gavle-norra-kungsgatan
Poland Gdańsk GOOD SPACE coworking https://www.goodspace.eu/
Italy Genova Castello Coppedè CoWorking https://castellocoppede.com/coworking-genova/
Ireland Glasnevin, Dublin 11 Talent Garden Dublin https://talentgarden.org/en/coworking/ireland/dublin/
Sweden Göteborg Kulturhuset Bergsjön http://goteborg.se/kulturhusetbergsjon
Sweden Göteborg Spaces Brygghuset https://www.spacesworks.com/sv/gothenburg/brygghuset
Sweden Göteborg United Spaces Göteborg https://unitedspaces.com/sv/location/gothenburg
Spain Granada ANDA Cowork https://www.andacowork.com/en/
Spain Granada La Variable https://www.lavariable.es/
Austria Graz Coworking zu Geidorf https://coworking-geidorf.at/
Austria Graz SPACELEND https://spacelend.at/
Slovenia Grosuplje GIG coworking https://gigcoworking.si/
Italy Grottammare Piceno Work http://www.picenowork.it
Germany Hamburg CoworkBude https://coworkbude14.de/
Sweden Härnösand House Be Härnösand https://www.housebe.com/har-finns-vi/harnosand/
Sweden Helsingborg Mindpark Helsingborg https://mindpark.se/kontor-helsingborg/
Greece Herakleion Comeet Creative Space https://www.facebook.com/ComeetCreativeSpace/
Spain Herradura (Granada) TropiCoworking https://www.tropicoworking.com/
Sweden Hudiksvall House Be Hudiksvall https://www.housebe.com/
Spain Huelva Punto Vuela San Juan del Puerto http://www.guadalinfo.es/web/centro-san-juan-del-puerto
Italy Il Cipresso Siaf https://www.siafvolterra.eu/coworking/
Ireland Inis Oirr, Galway Comhar Caomhán Teo / Inis Oírr / Inisheer Community & Development Hub http://discoverinisoirr.com/
Greece Ioannina HABIBI Works https://habibi.works/
Turkey Istanbul INOGAR https://inogar-coop.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=tr&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc
Spain Jaén Cuatro Gatos Coworking https://cuatrogatoscoworking.es/
Spain Jávea (Xàbia) L’Espai Comboi Coworking https://www.comboi.co/
Spain Jávea (Xàbia) Sun and Co. https://sun-and-co.com/
Slovenia Kamnik KIKstarter https://kikstarter.si/
Germany Karlsruhe Kairos13 https://www.stadtkirche-karlsruhe.de/coworking-kairos13/
Ireland Kerry Chapter House – Block 2 (formerly HQ Tralee) https://entara.ie/locations/chapter-house-tralee/
Ireland Kerry Market Lane https://entara.ie/locations/market-lane-listowel/
Ireland Kerry Tom Crean Business Centre https://creancentre.com/
Germany Kiel Anscharcampus https://anscharcampus.de/
Ireland Kildare Clane Project Centre https://claneprojectcentre.ie/community-projects/
Ireland Kilkenny Willie Duggan Co Creative Space https://willieduggan.com/hotdesking/
Sweden Kista THE KOLLECTIVE https://thekloud.se/news/the-kloud-vakansa-och-castellum-vill-lyfta-det-basta-med-kista-i-satsningen-the-kollective/
Italy L'Aquila W.LAB https://www.wlab.aq.it/
Ireland Laois PEC Innovation Centre https://pec.ie/
Spain Las Palmas (Gran Canaria) Hashtag WorkSpace https://hashtagworkspace.com/
Italy Lastra a Signa InYourLife Studio https://www.inyourlife.studio/
Spain Laxe, A Coruña iSlow https://islowcoliving.com/
Italy Lecce Molo12 Lecce Coworking Space http://www.molo12.com
United Kingdom Leigh Leigh Works https://leigh.works/social-enterprise/partners/
Germany Leipzig Impact Hub Leipzig https://leipzig.impacthub.net/
Ireland Leitrim Drumshanbo Digital Hub https://connectedhubs.ie/hubs/profile/219
Ireland Leitrim The Junction https://the-hive.ie/the-junction
Germany Letschin Coworking Oderbruch – Alte Schule Letschin https://www.coworking-oderbruch.de/
Ireland Letterkenny CoLab https://colab.ie/
Italy Licata, Sicily Make Hub http://www.makehub.it/
France Lille Share. Bazaar-st-so https://www.bazaar.coop/
Ireland Limerick Bruree Food Unit https://connectedhubs.ie/hubs/profile/29
Ireland Limerick Fab Lab Limerick https://fablab.saulstudio.ie/
Ireland Limerick Moyross Youth Academy https://www.facebook.com/MYAMoyrossYouthAcademy/
Ireland Limerick Urban Co-op https://www.theurbanco-op.ie/
Sweden Linköping DOSPACE Alfa https://www.dospace.se/alfa
Sweden Linköping DOSPACE LINK https://www.dospace.se/link
Sweden Linköping DOSPACE Mjärdevi Center https://www.dospace.se/mjardevicenter
Sweden Linköping DOSPACE Stora Torget http://www.dospace.se/
Slovenia Ljubljana ABC HUB https://abchub.si/
Slovenia Ljubljana Aurora Coworking Space https://www.auroracoworking.com
Slovenia Ljubljana MP hub https://mladipodjetnik.si/
Slovenia Ljubljana RogLab https://center-rog.si/en/
Slovenia Ljubljana Simbioza BTC City Lab https://simbioza.eu
Slovenia Ljubljana Social Academy https://socialna-akademija.si
Spain Lobeira Sende https://www.sende.co/
Spain Lodares de Osma (Soria) OPEN-ORBI https://openorbi.com/
Italy Lomazzo Fabbrica http://www.fabbrica.srl
Ireland Longford co:worx https://coworx.ie/our-journey/
Ireland Longford EDI Centre https://edilongford.ie/
Spain Los Cristianos (Tenerife) Deskhub Tenerife https://deskhubtenerife.com/
Sweden Luleå House Be Luleå https://www.housebe.com/
Italy Macerata Matt Innovation Playground Coworking https://www.innovationplayground.it/
Italy Madonna di Campiglio Refyouge | Madonna di Campiglio http://www.refyouge.it
Spain Madrid Area Coworking https://www.areamadrid.es/
Spain Madrid Coworking Espíritu23 https://espiritu23.com/
Spain Madrid Espacio Geranios https://www.espaciogeranios.com/
Spain Madrid Fangaloka Space Coworking https://fangaloka.es/que-es-fangaloka/
Spain Madrid Impact Hub Madrid https://madrid.impacthub.net/coworking/
Spain Madrid Nomad Coworking https://nomadcoworkingmadrid.com/
Spain Madrid Oxygen https://oxygenworkspace.com/
Spain Madrid The Shed CoWorking https://www.theshedcoworking.com/en/
Spain Malaga La Aduana Coworking https://laaduanacoworking.com/en/la-aduana-coworking-english/
Spain Malaga TLR Coworking https://tlr-coworking.com/
Sweden Malmö Embassy House Malmö https://www.embassy.house/
Sweden Malmö Föreningscenter Nobel 21 https://www.nobel21.se/
Sweden Malmö Mindpark Malmö https://mindpark.se/kontorshotell-malmo/
Sweden Malmö Rosengårdsbiblioteket https://malmo.se/rosengardsbiblioteket
Sweden Malmö The Ground http://www.theground.se/
Sweden Malmö United Spaces Malmö https://www.unitedspaces.com/sv/malmo/
Italy Marcianise Tamarin Business Center https://tamarinbusinesscenter.it/
Slovenia Maribor Start:up Maribor https://www.startupmaribor.si
Slovenia Maribor Vetrinjski dvor Coworking spaces https://www.vetrinjski-dvor.si
Italy Martina Franca Spazio 62 http://www.spazio62.it
Italy Meolo Desk Coworking http://www.deskcoworking.it
Greece Messolonghi Local Hub Messolonghi By Locals https://messolonghibylocals.com/
Italy Milano C32 Dreams Building http://www.dreamsbuilding.it/
Italy Milano Campus Coworking Milano https://www.campuscoworkingmilano.it
Italy Milano Campus Coworking Porta Romana https://campuscoworkingmilano.it
Italy Milano Changes Coworking Milano http://www.changescoworking.com
Italy Milano CNI Business Center Repubblica http://www.cnibusinesscenter.com
Italy Milano Cofoundry https://www.cofoundry.it/
Italy Milano Coworking Lab https://www.coworkinglab.it/
Italy Milano Coworking Login https://www.coworkinglogin.it/
Italy Milano Digital Lab http://www.hellodigitalgroup.com/
Italy Milano Ecoworking http://www.ecoworkingmilano.it/
Italy Milano Flexworking http://www.flexworking.it/
Italy Milano HUB LVenture Group Milano https://lventuregroup.com/community-spaces-roma/
Italy Milano Impact Hub Milano https://milan.impacthub.net/
Italy Milano Loft Coworking https://www.loft-coworking.it/
Italy Milano Materia https://www.materiacoworking.it/
Italy Milano Open Milano http://www.openmilano.it
Italy Milano Oxilia22 http://www.oxilia22.it/
Italy Milano Qf, Qwork + Qbaby http://www.qf11.it/
Italy Milano Santeria Paladini 8 https://www.santeria.milano.it/paladini-8/
Italy Milano Shibumi https://www.shibumi.work/
Italy Milano Sign2Work Coworking http://t2w.it/sign2work/
Italy Milano Spaces Isola https://www.spacesworks.com/it/milano/isola/
Italy Milano Spaces Porta Nuova https://www.spacesworks.com/it/milano/porta-nuova/
Italy Milano Spazio3 https://spazio3.net/
Italy Milano Tenoha Milano https://www.tenoha.it/
Italy Milano Time2work Coworking http://t2w.it/
Italy Milano Unità di Produzione http://up.milano.it
Italy Milano Upside Coworking https://www.facebook.com/upsidecoworking/
Italy Milano Watt20 https://www.watt20.it
Italy Milano Working Milano http://www.working-milano.com/
Italy Milano XI Architettura http://www.sa-architecture.it
Italy Milano Yatta Coworking https://www.yatta.xyz/coworking-milano/
Italy Milano YoRoom http://www.yoroom.it
Italy Modena COOworking https://coopattiva.com/coworking/
Italy Modena Studio Canaletto http://www.canaletto.studio
Ireland Monaghan M:TEK 1 Building https://www.enterprisingmonaghan.ie/
Ireland Monaghan Tanagh Outdoor Education and Training Centre https://www.tanaghoutdooreducation.com/
Italy Montebelluna Infinite Area https://infinitearea.com/
Italy Monterotondo Creative Coaching Lab https://www.creativecoachinglab.it/coworking/
France Montreuil Incubateur THSN Montreuil https://la-ruche.net/espaces/incubateur-thsn-montreuil/
France Montreuil The Human Safety Net https://la-ruche.net/espaces/incubateur-thsn-montreuil/
Spain Montseny Valley, Sant Esteve de Palautordera, Catalonia Kalart https://www.kalart.org/
Germany Munich Impact Hub Munich https://munich.impacthub.net/
Slovenia Murska Sobota Aurora Coworking Space https://www.auroracoworking.com
France Nantes Le Solilab https://www.ecossolies.fr/
Italy Napoli Cimarosa Business Center http://www.cimarosabusiness.com
Italy Napoli Dialogue Place http://www.dialogueplace.eu/
Italy Napoli Flegreo Hub https://www.flegreohub.it/
Italy Napoli Lightlive http://www.lightlive.it/lightlive-coworking/
Italy Napoli Pz-c http://pz-c.it/
Italy Napoli Rework http://www.coworking-napoli.it/
Italy Napoli Start Coworking http://www.startcowo.it
Spain Nerja (Málaga) Hygge House Coworking https://hyggehousecoworking.com/en/
Spain Nerja (Málaga) Nerja Coworking https://www.nerjacoworking.com/
Ireland Newry The Hub Newry https://www.thehubnewry.com/
Cyprus Nicosia Dignity Centre Nicosia https://www.refugeesupporteu.com/projects/nicosia-mark2/
Cyprus Nicosia The Base by CyprusInno https://thebasecy.com/
Italy Nogara Flip Lab http://www.flipstudio.it/lab/
Sweden Norrköping DOSPACE Norrköping https://www.dospace.se/dospace-industrilandskapet
Italy Novara The Work District Novara http://www.theworkdistrict.it
Italy Oderzo Zoran Hub http://www.zoranhub.it
Italy Offagna Wise coworking https://wisecoworking.it/
Ireland Offally Birr Technology Centre https://europeantechhub.ie/birr/
Ireland Offally BLC Developments Hub Space https://blcdevelopmentsclg.ie/
Germany Oldenburg hallig hanken https://www.hallighanken.de/
Germany Olpe Office & Friends https://www.office-and-friends.de/
Poland Opole Science and Technology Park in Opole https://pnt.opole.pl/index.php/en/
Sweden Örnsköldsvik House Be Önsköldsvik https://www.housebe.com/har-finns-vi/ornskoldsvik-site/
Italy Osnago Business Lounge Brianza
Sweden Östersund Gomorron Östersund AB https://www.gomorronostersund.se/
Sweden Östersund Hej Främling Tingshuset https://hejframling.se/
Sweden Östersund Samverket https://www.samverket.se/
Austria Ottensheim, Linz PostWerkStatt https://www.postwerkstatt.at/
Italy Padova City Coworkingarden https://www.eurointerimservizi.it/city-coworking/
Italy Padova Covox https://www.covox.it/
Italy Padova Metodo Zero https://metodo-zero.it
Italy Padova Paradigma http://paradigma.city
Italy Palermo Neu Coworking https://neunoi.it/
Italy Palermo STUDIOS https://www.studios-servizi.com
France Paris Kiwanda https://www.kiwanda.fr/
France Paris La Maison des Réfugiés https://www.maisondesrefugies.paris/
France Paris Les Amarres https://les-amarres.org/
Greece Patra MOSAIC // Culture&Creativity https://www.mosaic-hub.gr/en/
Italy Pavia Labora Coworking http://www.laboracoworking.it
Portugal Peniche Largo Space https://www.facebook.com/largo.space/about
Italy Perugia Un/Lab http://www.un-lab.it
Italy Pescara Spazio 010 https://spazio010.com/
Spain Petrer, Alicante (Valencian Community) El Teixidor https://petreremprende.es/el-teixidor/
Italy Pisa Alma Coworking http://www.almacoworking.com
Italy Pisa Nest2Hub http://nest2hub.com
Italy Pisa OPENPI http://www.openpi.it
Greece Plomari Changemakers Lab https://changemakerslab.com/
Spain Pontevedra Growth Coliving https://growthcoliving.com/en/
Portugal Portimao Hub Ativo https://hubativo.com/en/homepage/
Germany Preetz cobaas Coworking Bad Preetz https://www.cobaas.de/
Italy Ravenna Darsena Multi Spazio http://darsenamultispazio.ra.it
Germany Remscheid Gründerschmiede Remscheid https://gruenderschmiede.org/
Italy Roma Bside https://bside.pickcenter.it/
Italy Roma Co.De. https://co-de.pro/
Italy Roma Co.Ro Coworking https://www.co-ro.it/
Italy Roma Corte Coworking http://www.benvenutiacorte.it
Italy Roma COWALL Coworking http://www.cowall.net/
Italy Roma CoworkTalenti http://www.coworktalenti.it
Italy Roma HUB LVenture Group Roma https://lventuregroup.com/community-spaces-roma/
Italy Roma I work in Rome http://www.iworkinrome.com
Italy Roma Koselig coworking http://www.koselig.it
Italy Roma Millepiani Coworking http://www.millepiani.eu/
Italy Roma MIMA SPAZIO Coworking https://www.instagram.com/mimaspazio_coworking/
Italy Roma Next – Digital Farm http://wearenext.it
Italy Roma OfficeJam http://www.officejam.it
Italy Roma Opengra https://opengra.com
Italy Roma Palazzo https://palazzostudio.it/
Italy Roma Pick Center https://www.pickcenter.it/
Italy Roma Trastcowo http://www.trastcowo.com
Italy Roma Ufficini http://www.ufficini.it
Italy Roma Urban Places https://urbanplaces.it/
Italy Roma Wire Coworking https://www.wirecoworking.com/
Italy Roma Workitout http://workitout.it/
Ireland Roscommon CAM Community Development and Sports Centre
The Netherlands Rotterdam CIC Rotterdam https://cic.com/rotterdam/
The Netherlands Rotterdam Het Wijkpaleis https://www.wijkpaleis.nl/
Italy Rovigo Changes Coworking Rovigo http://changescoworking.com/location/rovigo
Italy Rovigo Zico Coworking http://www.zico.me
France Saint-Denis The Human Safety Net https://la-ruche.net/espaces/incubateur-thsn-saint-denis/
Italy Salerno Petitbureau http://www.petitbureau.it
Austria Salzburg Coworking Salzburg https://coworkingsalzburg.com/
Italy San Giovanni Lupatoto MindLab Coworking https://www.mind-lab.biz/
Spain Sant Joan de les Abadesses (Girona) FEM https://femcoliving.com/
Spain Santa Cruz de Tenerife Espacio Kernel https://www.espaciokernel.com/
Italy Schio Megahub https://www.megahub.it/
Spain Sevilla Arcadia Coworking https://arcadiacoworking.com/
Spain Sevilla workINcompany (Coworking Sevilla) https://workincompany.com/
Ireland Shannon, Clare Future Mobility Campus Ireland https://futuremobilityireland.ie/
Italy Siracusa Impact HUB Siracusa https://siracusa.impacthub.net/it/
Italy Siusi SOSS Coworking a Castelrotto http://www.soss.bz.it
Sweden Skellefteå House Be Svalan https://www.housebe.com/har-finns-vi/skelleftea-svalan/
Sweden Skellefteå The Great Northern https://www.housebe.com/har-finns-vi/skelleftea-tgn/
Ireland Sligo Sligo Folk Park https://sligofolkpark.com/
Bulgaria Sofia SHTRAK https://shtrak.org/about
Germany Solingen coworkit https://coworkit.de/
Italy Sommacampagna Penta Coworking Verona https://www.pentaformazione.it/coworking/penta-coworking-verona/
Croatia Split Creative Hub Prostor https://www.chc-prostor.com/
Austria St. Pölten dieBOX https://www.diebox.info/
Sweden Stockholm Embassy House Coworking https://www.embassy.house/
Sweden Stockholm Embassy House Narvavägen https://www.embassy.house/
Sweden Stockholm Epicenter Stockholm https://weareepicenter.com/stockholm/
Sweden Stockholm Impact Hub Stockholm http://impacthub.se/
Sweden Stockholm Norrsken House Stockholm https://www.norrsken.org/stockholm
Sweden Stockholm SUP46 | Start-Up People of Sweden https://startuppeople.com/
Sweden Stockholm The Park https://thepark.se/
Sweden Stockholm The Park http://www.thepark.se/
Sweden Stockholm United Spaces http://www.unitedspaces.com/
France Strasbourg KaleidosCOOP https://www.kaleidos.coop/
Sweden Sundsvall House Be Sundsvall https://www.housebe.com/har-finns-vi/sundsvallmetropol/
Spain Tarifa (Cadiz) La Cocotera https://www.lacocotera.com/
Italy Teramo Coworking Anfiteatro https://www.manoladipasquale.it/coworking/
Greece Thessaloniki Balkan Heart https://balkanheart.org/
Greece Thessaloniki Fix in art https://www.facebook.com/fixinart/?ref=tn_tnmn
Greece Thessaloniki Space2Create by RINOKEROS https://space2create.gr/
Romania Timișoara AMBASADA http://www.plai.ro/ambasada/
Ireland Tipperary Tipperary ENGINE https://tipperaryengine.ie/
Italy Torino AL DUDES https://www.aldudes.it/
Italy Torino Bliss Coworking https://www.blisscoworking.it/
Italy Torino Coworking Corte https://torinotechmap.it/ecosistema/coworking-corte/
Italy Torino Coworking Spazio 16H https://coworkingsansalvario.com/
Italy Torino Impact Hub Torino https://torino.impacthub.net/
Italy Torino Lomi House https://lomi-house.com/it/il-coworking-lomi-house
Italy Torino Pixelkitchen https://www.pixelkitchen.it/
Italy Torino PSYCOWORKING https://www.psycoworking.it/
Italy Torino SmarTOwork http://www.smartowork.it
Italy Torino Spazio19 Coworking https://spazio19.it/
Italy Torino Toolbox https://www.toolboxoffice.it/
Italy Torino Torino Coworking Center https://www.torinocoworkingcenter.it/
Italy Torino Ultraspazio Coworking https://ultraspazio.com/
Italy Torino Workey https://co-workey.it/
Italy Trapani Beehive-Valore Sud http://www.beehivesud.it
Italy Trento Impact Hub Trento https://trento.impacthub.net/
Italy Treviso Palazzo della Luce https://www.palazzodellaluce.com/
Italy Turate iCom Hub https://icom-hub.com/
Italy Udine Spazio35 http://spazio35udine.it
Sweden Umeå Great Hub http://greathub.se/
Sweden Umeå House Be Umeå https://www.housebe.com/har-finns-vi/tullkammaren-site/
The Netherlands Utrecht Dotslash https://www.dotslash.nl/
Spain Valencia Ca Revolta https://coworkingspain.es/espacios/coworking/valencia/estudio-chaflan
Spain Valencia Cowork Monteolivete https://www.instagram.com/coworkmonteolivete/
Spain Valencia CoworkUp https://co-workup.com/
Spain Valencia Garage Coworking https://coworking-valencia.com/
Spain Valencia Molilab https://www.elmolilab.com/
Spain Valencia Vivarium https://www.vivariumcoliving.com/
Spain Valencia Vortex Coworking https://vortexcoworking.es/
Spain Valencia Wayco https://wayco.es/
Italy Venezia Fabbrica H3 https://www.serendpt.net/h3-factory
Italy Venezia Lemon http://www.lemon.uno
Italy Verona 311 Coworking https://311verona.com/
Italy Verona Multico https://www.multico.it/
Italy Verona Officina 18 http://www.officina18.it/
Italy Verona Quadrante Servizio Coworking http://coworking.quadranteeuropa.it/
Portugal Viana do Castelo DINAMO10 – Creative Hub https://www.dinamo10.net/
Italy Vicenza Coworking vIVAce! https://www.vivacevicenza.com/coworking
Austria Vienna Brains and Bodies https://www.brainsandbodies.space/
Austria Vienna Das Packhaus https://www.daspackhaus.at/
Austria Vienna Stockwerk Coworking https://www.stockwerk.co.at/
Austria Vienna The Nest https://www.inthenest.space/
Austria Vienna ZI8 https://zi8.at/
Italy Villanova di Camposampiero Hevelop HQ https://hevelop.com/it
Italy Vimercate Studio Legale Vergani Galbusera http://www.studiolegaleverganigalbusera.com
Italy Volpiano 599 Europa Coworking http://coworking-europa.it
Ireland Waterford Blackwater House Cappoquin https://cappoquin.org/
Ireland Waterford Boxworks Co.Work.Space https://boxworks.ie/news/
Ireland Waterford City Fumbally Exchange https://www.fumballyexchange.com/locations/waterford/
Ireland Westmeath Tuar Ard Digital Hub https://tuarard.ie/
Ireland Wexford Rosslare Harbour Community Resource Centre https://www.visitrosslareharbour.ie/listing/business-services/
Ireland Wexford Stella Maris Centre https://stellamariscentre.com/
Ireland Wicklow Brockagh Hub https://www.brockaghresourcecentre.ie/
Ireland Wicklow Clermont Screen Hub https://screenhub.ie/
Ireland Wicklow Wicklow Enterprise Hub https://wicklowenterprise.ie/services/services/
Italy Zona Industriale Cast Coworking Space http://www.castcoworkingspace.com
Italy Zona Industriale Vaur Coworking https://www.vaurcoworking.it/
Country City Location Name
Italy Agliana Bozzato Hub Cesano Coworking
Italy Agliana COoffice Agliana
Slovenia Ajdovščina Garaža
Italy Alessandria Coworking Alessandria Piazza Garibaldi
Spain Alicante Simple Social Hub
Spain Alicante ULab
Spain Almeria Wood Work Coworking
Spain Almeria WorkSpace (Coworking Almeria)
Germany Altenburg Skatstadt:Hub – Coworking in Altenburg
The Netherlands Amsterdam Loads
The Netherlands Amsterdam Social Impact Factory
The Netherlands Amsterdam The Social Hub
Spain Anceu, Ponte Caldelas Anceu Coliving
Italy Ancona Coworking Ancona
Italy Ancona H3 Coworking
France Annecy L’ECREVIS
Ireland Ardee Ardee Business Park & Training Centre
Ireland Ardee Dee Hub
Sweden Åre House Be
Spain Arona (Tenerife) Cactus
Italy Ascoli Piceno Bottega del Terzo Settore
Italy Ascoli Piceno SmartAp
Italy Asti CoWorking Asti
Greece Athens ANKAA Project
Greece Athens Impact Hub Athens
Greece Athens LUDD
Greece Athens Romantso
Greece Athens Stone Soup
Greece Athens The Switch – Place Identity
Greece Athens TransfoLAB ATH/ Colab House
Italy Avellino Incubatore SEI
Italy Avellino SEI Ventures – Avellino
Italy Azzano San Paolo Area_591 Coworking
Germany Bad Freienwalde Coworking Oderbruch – Altes Finanzamt Bad Freienwalde
Germany Bad Tölz CoWorking Bad Tölz VISION HOCH DREI
Italy Bagnolo Piemonte Elabora Coworking
Ireland Ballaghaderreen Ardagh Remote Working Hub
Spain Barcelona Eclektic Space I Coworking Poblenou
Spain Barcelona La Vaca Coworking
Spain Barcelona Loft 153
Spain Barcelona SOWO
Italy Bari BARIHUB
Italy Bassano del Grappa FARO digit lab+cowork
Germany Beckum Work LnB
Ireland Bere Island, Cork Bere Island Heritage Centre, Old School
Germany Berlin bUm – Place for Solidarity
Germany Berlin cocreation.loft
Germany Berlin CU Office
Germany Berlin Impact Hub Berlin
Germany Berlin juggleHUB Coworking
Germany Berlin tuesday coworking Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
Germany Berlin tuesday coworking Neukölln
Germany Berlin tuesday coworking Schöneberg
Italy Binasco BinasCoWorking
United Kingdom Blackburn The Making Rooms
Italy Bollate New Work
Italy Bologna Coworking Bologna
Italy Bologna Crea System
Italy Bologna GoInOffice & Alecs Bianchi
Italy Bologna Granata Coworking
Italy Bologna Hex Coworking
Italy Bologna Luogocomune Coworking
Italy Bologna Nuntiabo Coworking
Italy Bologna Oscard Business Center Bologna
Italy Bolzano Coworking Bolzano
France Bordeaux La Cordée – Chartrons
France Bray-sur-Seine Le lab fraternel
Italy Brescia Ciceroom
France Briançon Les Terrasses Solidaires
Italy Brindisi Molo12 Brindisi Coworking Space
Germany Bücken Neuland Coworking
Hungary Budapest Impact Hub Budapest
Germany Butzbach dasgute.haus
Italy Cagliari Open Campus
Italy Cagliari Supermatrice Coworking
Italy Campobasso Inflazione Caotica
Ireland Carlingford Carlingford Remote Working Hub
Italy Castelbuono South Working Castelbuono
Italy Castelbuono South Working Castelbuono
Italy Catania Coworking Catania
Italy Catania Feiana Business Center
Germany Celle #netzwerk CelleCreativ Coworking Space
Italy Cesena ABC Temporary Office
Latvia Cesis Skola 6
Germany Chemnitz Zammwerk
Italy Civitanova Marche Go Working
Ireland Clare DigiClare – The Sixmilebridge Hub
Italy Concorezzo WeCare – Coworking Sanitario
Ireland Connemara Connemara West Remote Working Hub
Ireland Cork CECAS Work Space
Ireland Cork Culture Co-working
Ireland Cork I.R.D. Duhallow
Ireland Cork Laharn Heritage Centre
Ireland Cork Ludgate Hub
Ireland Cork Mix Coworking
Ireland Cork National Software Centre
Ireland Cork Republic of Work
Ireland Cork The HUB @ The Old Mill
Italy Correggio Areaw
Italy Crotone Officina Kreativa
Spain Culla, Castelló Ruralco Coliving
Italy Desio Restart Coworking
Germany Dießen Ammersee Denkerha
Ireland Dingle Dingle Hub
Ireland Donegal ii – inishowen innovation
Ireland Donegal Termon Complex
Ireland Donegal The BASE Enterprise Centre, Railway Road
Ireland Drogheda The Mill Entreprise Hub
Ireland Drumshanbo The Food Hub
Ireland Dublin BEaT Connected Hub
Ireland Dublin CoCreate South
Ireland Dublin DogPatch Labs
Ireland Dublin Guinness Enterprise Centre
Ireland Dublin SMARTlab @ The Inclusive Design Research Centre of Ireland at UCD
Ireland Dublin The Edge Dublin
Ireland Dublin The Tara Building
Ireland Dublin Tyrrelstown Community Centre
Ireland Dublin Work Hub
Ireland Dundalk Creative Spark
Ireland Dundalk Creative Spark
Ireland Dundalk Diamond Networking Hub
Ireland Dundalk Regional Development Centre DkIT
Ireland Dunshaughlin, Meath Meath Enterprise – Dunshaughlin Hub
Spain El Cotillo (Fuerteventura) Cocoworking
Spain El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona) Uikú Coworking
Austria Engerwitzdorf (Linz) 2kanter CO | WORKING | HOF
Germany Erfurt KrämerLoft
Germany Essen 3D Druckzentrum Ruhr
Sweden Fengersfors Not Quite
Italy Ferrara DOMINO SPACE
Italy Firenze 91C Coworking Space
Italy Firenze Ex32 Coworking
Italy Firenze Exfilab Coworking Space
Italy Firenze Leggiero Coworking
Italy Firenze Multiverso
Italy Firenze Nana Bianca Space
Italy Firenze Okubo Station
Italy Firenze Smart Hub
Italy Firenze TR3ND
Italy Firenze TSH Collab
Italy Foggia Spazio Daruma
Italy Foggia SpazioMeeting.it
Germany Frankfurt am Main Villa Gründergeist
Germany Freiburg im Breisgau Grünhof Coworking – Augustinerplatz
Germany Freiburg im Breisgau Grünhof Coworking – Belfortstrasse
Germany Freiburg im Breisgau Grünhof Coworking – Kreativpark Lokhalle
Italy Gallarate B_Smart Center
Ireland Galway PorterShed a Dó
Ireland Galway Pulse Hub / Ballinasloe Enterprise Hub
Ireland Galway Thurles Chamber Enterprise Centre (TCEC)
Ireland Galway Westside Resource Centre
Italy Gardolo di Mezzo TST2work – Trentino Social Tank
Italy Gavirate Varese Lake Coworking
Sweden Gävle DOSPACE Gävle
Sweden Gävle DOSPACE Gävle Norra Kungsgatan
Poland Gdańsk GOOD SPACE coworking
Italy Genova Castello Coppedè CoWorking
Ireland Glasnevin, Dublin 11 Talent Garden Dublin
Sweden Göteborg Kulturhuset Bergsjön
Sweden Göteborg Spaces Brygghuset
Sweden Göteborg United Spaces Göteborg
Spain Granada ANDA Cowork
Spain Granada La Variable
Austria Graz Coworking zu Geidorf
Austria Graz SPACELEND
Slovenia Grosuplje GIG coworking
Italy Grottammare Piceno Work
Germany Hamburg CoworkBude
Sweden Härnösand House Be Härnösand
Sweden Helsingborg Mindpark Helsingborg
Greece Herakleion Comeet Creative Space
Spain Herradura (Granada) TropiCoworking
Sweden Hudiksvall House Be Hudiksvall
Spain Huelva Punto Vuela San Juan del Puerto
Italy Il Cipresso Siaf
Ireland Inis Oirr, Galway Comhar Caomhán Teo / Inis Oírr / Inisheer Community & Development Hub
Greece Ioannina HABIBI Works
Turkey Istanbul INOGAR
Spain Jaén Cuatro Gatos Coworking
Spain Jávea (Xàbia) L’Espai Comboi Coworking
Spain Jávea (Xàbia) Sun and Co.
Slovenia Kamnik KIKstarter
Germany Karlsruhe Kairos13
Ireland Kerry Chapter House – Block 2 (formerly HQ Tralee)
Ireland Kerry Market Lane
Ireland Kerry Tom Crean Business Centre
Germany Kiel Anscharcampus
Ireland Kildare Clane Project Centre
Ireland Kilkenny Willie Duggan Co Creative Space
Italy L'Aquila W.LAB
Ireland Laois PEC Innovation Centre
Spain Las Palmas (Gran Canaria) Hashtag WorkSpace
Italy Lastra a Signa InYourLife Studio
Spain Laxe, A Coruña iSlow
Italy Lecce Molo12 Lecce Coworking Space
United Kingdom Leigh Leigh Works
Germany Leipzig Impact Hub Leipzig
Ireland Leitrim Drumshanbo Digital Hub
Ireland Leitrim The Junction
Germany Letschin Coworking Oderbruch – Alte Schule Letschin
Ireland Letterkenny CoLab
Italy Licata, Sicily Make Hub
France Lille Share. Bazaar-st-so
Ireland Limerick Bruree Food Unit
Ireland Limerick Fab Lab Limerick
Ireland Limerick Moyross Youth Academy
Ireland Limerick Urban Co-op
Sweden Linköping DOSPACE Alfa
Sweden Linköping DOSPACE LINK
Sweden Linköping DOSPACE Mjärdevi Center
Sweden Linköping DOSPACE Stora Torget
Slovenia Ljubljana ABC HUB
Slovenia Ljubljana Aurora Coworking Space
Slovenia Ljubljana MP hub
Slovenia Ljubljana RogLab
Slovenia Ljubljana Simbioza BTC City Lab
Slovenia Ljubljana Social Academy
Spain Lobeira Sende
Spain Lodares de Osma (Soria) OPEN-ORBI
Italy Lomazzo Fabbrica
Ireland Longford co:worx
Ireland Longford EDI Centre
Spain Los Cristianos (Tenerife) Deskhub Tenerife
Sweden Luleå House Be Luleå
Italy Macerata Matt Innovation Playground Coworking
Italy Madonna di Campiglio Refyouge | Madonna di Campiglio
Spain Madrid Area Coworking
Spain Madrid Coworking Espíritu23
Spain Madrid Espacio Geranios
Spain Madrid Fangaloka Space Coworking
Spain Madrid Impact Hub Madrid
Spain Madrid Nomad Coworking
Spain Madrid Oxygen
Spain Madrid The Shed CoWorking
Spain Malaga La Aduana Coworking
Spain Malaga TLR Coworking
Sweden Malmö Embassy House Malmö
Sweden Malmö Föreningscenter Nobel 21
Sweden Malmö Mindpark Malmö
Sweden Malmö Rosengårdsbiblioteket
Sweden Malmö The Ground
Sweden Malmö United Spaces Malmö
Italy Marcianise Tamarin Business Center
Slovenia Maribor Start:up Maribor
Slovenia Maribor Vetrinjski dvor Coworking spaces
Italy Martina Franca Spazio 62
Italy Meolo Desk Coworking
Greece Messolonghi Local Hub Messolonghi By Locals
Italy Milano C32 Dreams Building
Italy Milano Campus Coworking Milano
Italy Milano Campus Coworking Porta Romana
Italy Milano Changes Coworking Milano
Italy Milano CNI Business Center Repubblica
Italy Milano Cofoundry
Italy Milano Coworking Lab
Italy Milano Coworking Login
Italy Milano Digital Lab
Italy Milano Ecoworking
Italy Milano Flexworking
Italy Milano HUB LVenture Group Milano
Italy Milano Impact Hub Milano
Italy Milano Loft Coworking
Italy Milano Materia
Italy Milano Open Milano
Italy Milano Oxilia22
Italy Milano Qf, Qwork + Qbaby
Italy Milano Santeria Paladini 8
Italy Milano Shibumi
Italy Milano Sign2Work Coworking
Italy Milano Spaces Isola
Italy Milano Spaces Porta Nuova
Italy Milano Spazio3
Italy Milano Tenoha Milano
Italy Milano Time2work Coworking
Italy Milano Unità di Produzione
Italy Milano Upside Coworking
Italy Milano Watt20
Italy Milano Working Milano
Italy Milano XI Architettura
Italy Milano Yatta Coworking
Italy Milano YoRoom
Italy Modena COOworking
Italy Modena Studio Canaletto
Ireland Monaghan M:TEK 1 Building
Ireland Monaghan Tanagh Outdoor Education and Training Centre
Italy Montebelluna Infinite Area
Italy Monterotondo Creative Coaching Lab
France Montreuil Incubateur THSN Montreuil
France Montreuil The Human Safety Net
Spain Montseny Valley, Sant Esteve de Palautordera, Catalonia Kalart
Germany Munich Impact Hub Munich
Slovenia Murska Sobota Aurora Coworking Space
France Nantes Le Solilab
Italy Napoli Cimarosa Business Center
Italy Napoli Dialogue Place
Italy Napoli Flegreo Hub
Italy Napoli Lightlive
Italy Napoli Pz-c
Italy Napoli Rework
Italy Napoli Start Coworking
Spain Nerja (Málaga) Hygge House Coworking
Spain Nerja (Málaga) Nerja Coworking
Ireland Newry The Hub Newry
Cyprus Nicosia Dignity Centre Nicosia
Cyprus Nicosia The Base by CyprusInno
Italy Nogara Flip Lab
Sweden Norrköping DOSPACE Norrköping
Italy Novara The Work District Novara
Italy Oderzo Zoran Hub
Italy Offagna Wise coworking
Ireland Offally Birr Technology Centre
Ireland Offally BLC Developments Hub Space
Germany Oldenburg hallig hanken
Germany Olpe Office & Friends
Poland Opole Science and Technology Park in Opole
Sweden Örnsköldsvik House Be Önsköldsvik
Italy Osnago Business Lounge Brianza
Sweden Östersund Gomorron Östersund AB
Sweden Östersund Hej Främling Tingshuset
Sweden Östersund Samverket
Austria Ottensheim, Linz PostWerkStatt
Italy Padova City Coworkingarden
Italy Padova Covox
Italy Padova Metodo Zero
Italy Padova Paradigma
Italy Palermo Neu Coworking
Italy Palermo STUDIOS
France Paris Kiwanda
France Paris La Maison des Réfugiés
France Paris Les Amarres
Greece Patra MOSAIC // Culture&Creativity
Italy Pavia Labora Coworking
Portugal Peniche Largo Space
Italy Perugia Un/Lab
Italy Pescara Spazio 010
Spain Petrer, Alicante (Valencian Community) El Teixidor
Italy Pisa Alma Coworking
Italy Pisa Nest2Hub
Italy Pisa OPENPI
Greece Plomari Changemakers Lab
Spain Pontevedra Growth Coliving
Portugal Portimao Hub Ativo
Germany Preetz cobaas Coworking Bad Preetz
Italy Ravenna Darsena Multi Spazio
Germany Remscheid Gründerschmiede Remscheid
Italy Roma Bside
Italy Roma Co.De.
Italy Roma Co.Ro Coworking
Italy Roma Corte Coworking
Italy Roma COWALL Coworking
Italy Roma CoworkTalenti
Italy Roma HUB LVenture Group Roma
Italy Roma I work in Rome
Italy Roma Koselig coworking
Italy Roma Millepiani Coworking
Italy Roma MIMA SPAZIO Coworking
Italy Roma Next – Digital Farm
Italy Roma OfficeJam
Italy Roma Opengra
Italy Roma Palazzo
Italy Roma Pick Center
Italy Roma Trastcowo
Italy Roma Ufficini
Italy Roma Urban Places
Italy Roma Wire Coworking
Italy Roma Workitout
Ireland Roscommon CAM Community Development and Sports Centre
The Netherlands Rotterdam CIC Rotterdam
The Netherlands Rotterdam Het Wijkpaleis
Italy Rovigo Changes Coworking Rovigo
Italy Rovigo Zico Coworking
France Saint-Denis The Human Safety Net
Italy Salerno Petitbureau
Austria Salzburg Coworking Salzburg
Italy San Giovanni Lupatoto MindLab Coworking
Spain Sant Joan de les Abadesses (Girona) FEM
Spain Santa Cruz de Tenerife Espacio Kernel
Italy Schio Megahub
Spain Sevilla Arcadia Coworking
Spain Sevilla workINcompany (Coworking Sevilla)
Ireland Shannon, Clare Future Mobility Campus Ireland
Italy Siracusa Impact HUB Siracusa
Italy Siusi SOSS Coworking a Castelrotto
Sweden Skellefteå House Be Svalan
Sweden Skellefteå The Great Northern
Ireland Sligo Sligo Folk Park
Bulgaria Sofia SHTRAK
Germany Solingen coworkit
Italy Sommacampagna Penta Coworking Verona
Croatia Split Creative Hub Prostor
Austria St. Pölten dieBOX
Sweden Stockholm Embassy House Coworking
Sweden Stockholm Embassy House Narvavägen
Sweden Stockholm Epicenter Stockholm
Sweden Stockholm Impact Hub Stockholm
Sweden Stockholm Norrsken House Stockholm
Sweden Stockholm SUP46 | Start-Up People of Sweden
Sweden Stockholm The Park
Sweden Stockholm The Park
Sweden Stockholm United Spaces
France Strasbourg KaleidosCOOP
Sweden Sundsvall House Be Sundsvall
Spain Tarifa (Cadiz) La Cocotera
Italy Teramo Coworking Anfiteatro
Greece Thessaloniki Balkan Heart
Greece Thessaloniki Fix in art
Greece Thessaloniki Space2Create by RINOKEROS
Romania Timișoara AMBASADA
Ireland Tipperary Tipperary ENGINE
Italy Torino AL DUDES
Italy Torino Bliss Coworking
Italy Torino Coworking Corte
Italy Torino Coworking Spazio 16H
Italy Torino Impact Hub Torino
Italy Torino Lomi House
Italy Torino Pixelkitchen
Italy Torino SmarTOwork
Italy Torino Spazio19 Coworking
Italy Torino Toolbox
Italy Torino Torino Coworking Center
Italy Torino Ultraspazio Coworking
Italy Torino Workey
Italy Trapani Beehive-Valore Sud
Italy Trento Impact Hub Trento
Italy Treviso Palazzo della Luce
Italy Turate iCom Hub
Italy Udine Spazio35
Sweden Umeå Great Hub
Sweden Umeå House Be Umeå
The Netherlands Utrecht Dotslash
Spain Valencia Ca Revolta
Spain Valencia Cowork Monteolivete
Spain Valencia CoworkUp
Spain Valencia Garage Coworking
Spain Valencia Molilab
Spain Valencia Vivarium
Spain Valencia Vortex Coworking
Spain Valencia Wayco
Italy Venezia Fabbrica H3
Italy Venezia Lemon
Italy Verona 311 Coworking
Italy Verona Multico
Italy Verona Officina 18
Italy Verona Quadrante Servizio Coworking
Portugal Viana do Castelo DINAMO10 – Creative Hub
Italy Vicenza Coworking vIVAce!
Austria Vienna Brains and Bodies
Austria Vienna Das Packhaus
Austria Vienna Stockwerk Coworking
Austria Vienna The Nest
Austria Vienna ZI8
Italy Villanova di Camposampiero Hevelop HQ
Italy Vimercate Studio Legale Vergani Galbusera
Italy Volpiano 599 Europa Coworking
Ireland Waterford Blackwater House Cappoquin
Ireland Waterford Boxworks Co.Work.Space
Ireland Waterford City Fumbally Exchange
Ireland Westmeath Tuar Ard Digital Hub
Ireland Wexford Rosslare Harbour Community Resource Centre
Ireland Wexford Stella Maris Centre
Ireland Wicklow Brockagh Hub
Ireland Wicklow Clermont Screen Hub
Ireland Wicklow Wicklow Enterprise Hub
Italy Zona Industriale Cast Coworking Space
Italy Zona Industriale Vaur Coworking